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The 6 Principles

Influtronix has used Cialdini’s influence principles examining them to how they are related to Cryptocurrencies in order to design a system that rebalances the power for our community.

1. Reciprocity

Projects leverage the principle of reciprocity by offering early adopters or contributors’ bonuses, such as extra tokens or discounts. This should create a sense of obligation for those who have received these benefits to continue supporting the project and promoting it to others. The problem with this is that early adopters use new adopters to exit the project as prices are usually listed higher when hitting exchanges, meaning an instant return for early comers. Influtronix AI will reward all holders for supporting the project continuously using a token reward system held within our smart contracts. HODLers will be rewarded for hodling as will the community as a whole in multiple ways. The project will also list at the same price as our initial sale. What is the reward for being early? Very simply more rewards for yourself and the community as a whole

2. Scarcity

By creating a limited supply of tokens, projects use the principal supply of scarcity to drive demand and increase the perceived value of the project. This remains a core principle of the universe and will be unchanged

3. Authority

By having well-known people and so-called experts and influencers in the crypto or technology space endorse or support a project, it can increase the perceived credibility and authority of the project. This can lead to more trust in the project and increase the likelihood of others investing or adopting the technology. It is my opinion that no one knows the project better than the people, therefore Influtronix will reward the people for influencing the success of the project using our reward system

4. Consistency

Projects leverage consistency by building a strong brand and creating a clear vision and mission that aligns with the values of its community. This increases the likelihood of individuals and organisations supporting the project in the long-term, as they feel that their values and beliefs are reflected in the project's goals and objectives. Unfortunately, the failure of this principle is that projects are usually somewhat centralised and have owners or CEO’s. Influtronix’s owners are our Influtrons, which are simply those who take part in this experiment. Those who volunteer will contribute to how the project stays consistent and relevant.

5. Liking

Projects leverage liking by creating a sense of community and fostering positive relationships with its stakeholders, such as investors, developers, and users. By building a positive image and creating a sense of belonging, projects increase the likelihood of others supporting it. This is a community project. I am just a volunteer offering a solution.

6. Consensus

By demonstrating that a large number of individuals and organizations are already supporting a project, consensus is leveraged to drive more interest and participation.

In our case our Influtrons will volunteer to grow the community and be rewarded in the process. The community will grow large and create a sense of social proof increasing the likelihood of others joining and participating in our experiment whilst being continuously rewarded.

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